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Monday, November 29, 2010
SMS Selamat Tahun Baru 2011
SMS Selamat Tahun Baru 2011 - Tidak terasa kita sudah akan meninggalkan tahun 2010. Mari kita jadikan momen ini untuk berintrospeksi diri. Apa-apa saja yang telah kita lakukan 1 tahun yang lalu. Berikut ini SMS Selamat Tahun Baru 2011.
SMiLE-it makes U look nice!
PRAY-it makes U stronger!
GIVE-it makes U richer!
LOVE-it makes U know life!
Sebelum operatot sibuk….sebelum sms pending mulu…sebelum low bat….Happy new year 2011….
Tahun baru? Gaya batu donk! eh,met tahun baru ya!
Toet….toet…toet….happy new year!….udah ya mo tiup trompet lagi….toet….toet….toet…..
Aye cuma mampir bentaran neh…mo bilang….met taon baru ye mpok….abang….
Tuhan murah hati selalu memberi. Pagi ini indah, seperti juga kemarin dan esok. Syukur kepada Allah!
Yesterday is memory. Today is a gift. Tommorow is a Hope. Let’s begin New Year 2011 with faith, love, peace and new hope. GBU
Happy New Year 2011. May this new year bring us a new spirit to reach all your dreams, good health and a happiness forever…
Happy New Year 2011, a new beginning for a better life. GBU ABUNDANTLY!
No regret about the past…
No fear about the future…
New hopes & dreams in 2011…
Thankful to God for His blessings in 2011…
Happy New Year !!
Only open HEARTS receive LOVE
only open MINDS receive WISDOM
only open HANDS receive GIFTS
only SPECIAL FRIENDS receive my Happy New Year greeting .
Rangkaian kata kalimat puitis ucapan selamat tahun baru sms happy new year
1. Tahun ini ‘kan berlalu, laksana anak panah terlepas dari busurnya. Pajar baru di tahun yang akan datang, semoga menjadi lembaran baru yang lebih baik. Selamat tahun baru 2011 semoga lebih maju dan sukses.
2. Serpihan malam bulan separuh, jelang hari baru pertanda tiba. Kembang api membuncah ke angkasa sambut tahun muda 2011. Selamat tahun baru 2011 semoga lebih baik dibanding tahun sebelumnya.
3. Waktu terus berlalu, lembaran demi lembaran telah dilalui. Coretan demi coretan telah memenuhi, kadang tak berarti, kadang tanpa makna, atau hanya sedikit makna. Semoga di tahun ini setiap lembaran memiliki makna, setiap lembaran bermanfaat. Selamat tahun baru 2011. Semoga lebih sukses.
4. Tahun ini hampir usai terlalui, belumlah tergores coretan berarti, belumlah setiap gagasan menjadi nyata, konsep masih terdokumenkan. Padahal telah berada dipenghujung, meski akan terlewati, semoga ada perubahan, dalam lembaran baru. Selamat tahun baru 2011 M.
5. Matahari menyelinap dibalik bukit, sembunyikan kenangan hidup, menyimpan lembaran usang, menyambut hari-hari muda, sebentar lagi ‘kan menjelang. Selamat datang tahun baru 2011, harapan baru dan perubahan.
6. Masa lalu adalah sejarah, hari ini adalah goresan, hari esok adalah harapan. Selamat datang tahun baru 2011. Seiring dengan perginya kenangan, menyambut harapan. Selamat tinggal kenangan, selamat datang harapan.
7. Malam ini ‘kan berlalu, minggu ini ‘kan beranjak, bulan ini akan pergi, tahun ini ‘kan meninggalkan. Sejarah kehidupan, catatan suka dan duka, menyongsong tahun baru. Selamat tahun baru 2011. Semoga selalu jaya dan sejahtera.
8. Senja indah, kirimkan ciprat keemasan, kirimkan pertanda keagungan, kekusaan, serta kemegahan. Meski itu hanya sekejap, hingga sirna ditepis malam, pertanda esok akan tiba. Selamat tahun baru 2011. Semoga sukses selalu.
Mobil Pelat Hitam Dilarang Memakai Bensin Subsidi
Mobil Pelat Hitam Dilarang Memakai Bensin Subsidi - Pembatasan ini dipastikan akan dimulai 1 Januari 2011 mendatang.
Menko Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa mengatakan, sejatinya ada dua opsi yang saat ini masih membutuhkan pertimbangan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) untuk diputuskan. Kedua opsi tersebut adalah: pertama, semua kendaran roda empat pelat hitam harus menggunakan BBM nonsubsidi. Kedua, semua mobil dengan tahun pembuatan 2005 ke atas harus menggunakan BBM nonsubisidi.
Dari kedua opsi tersebut, Hatta sendiri mengatakan opsi yang pertama lebih mengutungkan untuk diterapkan. “Opsi yang pertama itu lebih simpel untuk diterapkan. Distorsinya di lapangan juga lebih kecil. Dari sisi penghematan juga lebih besar,” kata Hatta, di kantornya, usai Rapat Koordinasi jajaran menteri soal pembatasan BBM bersubsidi, Selasa (23/11).
Penghematan yang didapatkan dari pembatasan ini, menurut Hatta, diperkirakan mencapai belasan triliun rupiah. Dengan pembatasan yang terjadi nanti, Hatta memastikan kendaran umum (pelat kuning), sepeda motor, dan kendaran roda tiga serta nelayan tetap diperbolehkan mempergunakan BBM bersubsidi. “Kami tetap harus bicara dulu dengan DPR untuk memutuskan dua opsi tersebut,” imbuh Dirjen Migas Kementrian ESDM Evita Legowo.
Sampai akhir tahun 2010, volume BBM pun tetap akan berada pada 38,75 juta kiloliter. Penambahan subsidi BBM sudah terjadi saat pemerintah membahasnya bersama anggota DPR RI, dari awalnya 36,5 juta kiloliter dinaikkan menjadi 38,75 juta kiloliter. Kendati begitu, dipastikan tetap tidak akan ada tambahan anggaran subsidi sebesar Rp 88,9 triliun, lantaran kurs rupiah dan rata-rata harga ICP tak sesuai asumsi. ”Kurs rupiah lebih kuat dari asumsi, sedangkan ICP lebih rendah dari US$ 80 seperti yang diasumsikan,” ujarnya.
Dengan demikian, pertumbuhan penggunaan BBM bersubsidi pada tahun ini diperkirakan sebesar 8 persen dan itu bisa membengkak menjadi 10 persen pada tahun depan jika distribusi BBM tidak dilakukan tertutup.
“Oleh karena itu per Januari harus sudah dilakukan sistem tertutup,” tegasnya. Untuk diketahui, besaran subsidi bahan bakar minyak (BBM), Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), dan Bahan Bakar Nabati pada tahun 2011 ditetapkan sebesar Rp 95,9 triliun. Alokasi itu telah mempertimbangkan volume BBM bersubsidi sebesar 38,59 juta kiloliter.
Sebelumnya, Wakil Ketua Komisi XI DPR-RI Harry Azhar Azis menegaskan, pembatasan subsidi BBM seharusnya tidak saja dilakukan pada mobil produksi 2005 ke atas ataupun pada semua mobil pribadi. (faisal rachman)
Menko Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa mengatakan, sejatinya ada dua opsi yang saat ini masih membutuhkan pertimbangan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) untuk diputuskan. Kedua opsi tersebut adalah: pertama, semua kendaran roda empat pelat hitam harus menggunakan BBM nonsubsidi. Kedua, semua mobil dengan tahun pembuatan 2005 ke atas harus menggunakan BBM nonsubisidi.
Dari kedua opsi tersebut, Hatta sendiri mengatakan opsi yang pertama lebih mengutungkan untuk diterapkan. “Opsi yang pertama itu lebih simpel untuk diterapkan. Distorsinya di lapangan juga lebih kecil. Dari sisi penghematan juga lebih besar,” kata Hatta, di kantornya, usai Rapat Koordinasi jajaran menteri soal pembatasan BBM bersubsidi, Selasa (23/11).
Penghematan yang didapatkan dari pembatasan ini, menurut Hatta, diperkirakan mencapai belasan triliun rupiah. Dengan pembatasan yang terjadi nanti, Hatta memastikan kendaran umum (pelat kuning), sepeda motor, dan kendaran roda tiga serta nelayan tetap diperbolehkan mempergunakan BBM bersubsidi. “Kami tetap harus bicara dulu dengan DPR untuk memutuskan dua opsi tersebut,” imbuh Dirjen Migas Kementrian ESDM Evita Legowo.
Sampai akhir tahun 2010, volume BBM pun tetap akan berada pada 38,75 juta kiloliter. Penambahan subsidi BBM sudah terjadi saat pemerintah membahasnya bersama anggota DPR RI, dari awalnya 36,5 juta kiloliter dinaikkan menjadi 38,75 juta kiloliter. Kendati begitu, dipastikan tetap tidak akan ada tambahan anggaran subsidi sebesar Rp 88,9 triliun, lantaran kurs rupiah dan rata-rata harga ICP tak sesuai asumsi. ”Kurs rupiah lebih kuat dari asumsi, sedangkan ICP lebih rendah dari US$ 80 seperti yang diasumsikan,” ujarnya.
Dengan demikian, pertumbuhan penggunaan BBM bersubsidi pada tahun ini diperkirakan sebesar 8 persen dan itu bisa membengkak menjadi 10 persen pada tahun depan jika distribusi BBM tidak dilakukan tertutup.
“Oleh karena itu per Januari harus sudah dilakukan sistem tertutup,” tegasnya. Untuk diketahui, besaran subsidi bahan bakar minyak (BBM), Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), dan Bahan Bakar Nabati pada tahun 2011 ditetapkan sebesar Rp 95,9 triliun. Alokasi itu telah mempertimbangkan volume BBM bersubsidi sebesar 38,59 juta kiloliter.
Sebelumnya, Wakil Ketua Komisi XI DPR-RI Harry Azhar Azis menegaskan, pembatasan subsidi BBM seharusnya tidak saja dilakukan pada mobil produksi 2005 ke atas ataupun pada semua mobil pribadi. (faisal rachman)
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Etios : Mobil Termurah Toyota
Etios : Mobil Termurah Toyota - Toyota Motor Corp atau TMC mulai menyiapkan produksi massal untuk mobil termurah Toyota, Etios, di India. Pelaksanaannya dimulai akhir 2010 setelah adanya kepastian pasokan komponen utama dari produsen lokal...
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Dikutip dari situs resminya, pemasok bukan lain adalah perusahaan gabungan TMC dan dari lokal, Toyota Kirloskar Auto Parts Pvt, Ltd (TKAP). Keduanya sepakat akan memasok 100.000 mesin per tahun mulai musim semi 2012. Ada juga tambahan transmisi sebanyak 240.000 unit per tahun mulai 2013.
TKAP saat ini juga memasok mesin Toyota lain, seperti Fortuner. Selain itu, pasokan juga diekspor ke sejumlah negara lain, seperti Thailand dan Argentina.
Penggunaan komponen lokal menjadi salah satu strategi Toyota dalam menggarap pasar-pasar berkembang. TMC coba menjalankan filosofi meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat melalui industri otomotif.
Untuk produksi Etios, pihak prinsipal telah menggelontorkan dana 9 miliar yen (Rp 921,8 miliar). Dalam produksi ini, Toyota akan menyerap sedikitnya 500 tenaga kerja baru di "Negeri Sari".
Tertarik menjadikan Etios sebagai Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia
source : kompas.com
Saturday, November 27, 2010
BitDefender Free 2011
BitDefender está presente em mais de 100 países e o Brasil foi o primeiro a lançar a versão 2011 gratuita do antivírus, adaptado ao português. O BitDefender Free chega com novidades e melhorias, visando aprimorar a experiência do usuário e otimizar o desempenho do computador sem deixar brechas na segurança.
A versão 2011 do BitDefender traz inovações principalmente em termos de velocidade de processamento durante as investigações do antivírus, garantindo que a utilização do PC não será comprometida durante as varreduras e verificações necessárias para assegurar a segurança dos arquivos.
Take5 1.46
A categoria dos filmes de animação compreende uma vasta quantidade de técnicas, mas nenhuma delas é tão charmosa e difícil de produzir quanto uma animação quadro a quadro.
O posicionamento preciso de cada elemento do filme, a sequência dos eventos e vários detalhes precisam ser considerados a cada instante da captura. Sem uma preparação prévia, isso pode se tornar uma tarefa digna de Hércules, e até mesmo afundar uma produção interessante.
Internet Explorer 9 Preview 7
Como o próprio nome deixa claro, o Internet Explorer 9 Preview 7 não se trata de um navegador, mas sim uma de prévia de todos os recursos que estarão disponíveis na versão final do programa. Como você pode conferir na versão Beta do navegador (clique aqui para baixar), a Microsoft está preparando uma série de novidades capazes de tornar o software ainda melhor que os concorrentes.
Ao instalar o aplicativo em sua máquina, a primeira coisa que você vai perceber é a total falta de qualquer barra de navegação. Em seu lugar, entram uma série de links que demonstram as capacidades multimídia do programa, tanto quando o assunto é multimídia quanto conteúdo rico em HTML 5 e JavaScript.
DJ Mixer Express 2.0.3
O DJ Mixer Express é um software de mixagem feito para todos que querem se aventurar no mundo dos DJs e para profissionais que procuram um meio mais fácil de combinar músicas diferentes. Com operações baseadas em um simples arrastar do mouse, o programa se mostra uma opção descomplicada capaz de resultados surpreendentes.
A primeira característica que se nota ao iniciar o DJ Mixer Express é o empenho dos desenvolvedores em oferecer a experiência mais confortável possível. Além de permitir a utilização de qualquer música do computador de maneira fácil, através de um sistema de buscas semelhante ao Explorer do Windows, há a opção de integrar o programa de maneira rápida à biblioteca do iTunes.
Battle of Destiny Online
Saudade dos fliperamas de ação como Streets of Rage, Alien VS Predator, Dino Cris ou Golden Axe? Battle of Destiny traz estes games para os dias atuais e faz um misto com os RPGs online mais atuais. Cobrir inimigos diversos de porrada, coletar itens e avançar através de diversas fases agora com direito a experiência, classes distinta e muitos jogadores ao mesmo tempo. Para quem já gastou dezenas de fichas em máquinas deste gênero vai adorar passar horas diante deste novo game.
Quem não se lembra daqueles saudosos games cujo cenário 2D simulava profundidade em níveis diferentes? O jogador enfrentava verdadeiras hordas de inimigos e encontrava armas, comidas e itens para temperar a ação, assim como nos RPGs atuais. Então que tal explorar as fronteiras entre os jogos de ação e os MMOs e criar uma nova linha de games? O resultado é bastante interessante e você confere em Battle of Destiny.
Quem não se lembra daqueles saudosos games cujo cenário 2D simulava profundidade em níveis diferentes? O jogador enfrentava verdadeiras hordas de inimigos e encontrava armas, comidas e itens para temperar a ação, assim como nos RPGs atuais. Então que tal explorar as fronteiras entre os jogos de ação e os MMOs e criar uma nova linha de games? O resultado é bastante interessante e você confere em Battle of Destiny.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
How business houses influence shifts of spot light on web design trends
Oh Tom, tell me what’s the trend!
We all know the term ‘trend’ is pretty trendy! What Mr. Tom today advises me as the latest fashion trend, I find it next day replaced by something else! Same is in practice for the web design trends! Today a huge image at the header of a web page; the next day footer is oversized! Naturally the spot light shifts its angles and falls on what is latest.
But my question is – why this shift in spot light? I know you have the answer! Let me tell you what I found. It is the instruction of the businessmen and their business perspectives. For catching the attention of the visitors to the cliché products or the services, designers throw a bucket of colors or draw few lines on a blank webpage in such a way that we have to say Wow!
Now let us see how business demands manipulate in the shift in spot light!
The wings of imagination
Web design is a matter of creativity. It is the designers who tend to set forth new web design trends. They are free to design a whale tied with a rope and being tried to be carried by little birds! But if you can spare a little of your grey matter, you can well understand how they are drawing business. It is no new matter to render forth. What I try to say here is the use of new and emerging web design trends and their use in different businesses. In short, how the designers and their use of web design trends uplift the business!
The course or the flow
Not going by an elaborated discussion about what web design trends are now in vogue, I rather like to bend the course of my discussion in a flow which will show the banks where businesses line up to pump in or out water from the current. I will discuss the use of web design for products, services and other purposes. It is going to be a touch and go about new tools and web design trends in application for web page designs eyeing the business.
Give me sandpapers!
There are quite a handful of design tools that are coming into use, for example, Javascripts, CSS3, HTML5 and so on and so forth. These tools are new brushes to paint the white canvas far better.A javascript can easily add some small effects like click menu button, pop-up window, dialogue boxes or small icons. These are the flexibilities which designers have got when the space is limited in a web page or without excessive texts many things have to be said.
With the help of CSS3, creation of rounded corners, shadow effects and designing mobile compatible web pages has got easy. The designers as if have got sandpapers to even the edges of a wooden table!
The use of RGB color and better Opacity is also coming in action to give web page design a better and distinct look. Sometimes water color effects and every time clear illustration give better look to the web pages.
HTML5 is the latest version of HTML language and it is still in the development process. It provides several options like drag and drop of any image and embedding videos etc. Soon we will see its massive use, no sooner all the browsers accepts it.
The common factors
Some of the latest web design trends are so much useful that those may be used for all type of web page designs. Actually it is all about user friendliness and attraction.The design perspective has got a change. Formerly the look used to show simply the products or the services. But now if a product, say wine, is to be shown there has to be design effects. Same is the case for depicting services, say hotel industry, the designers are showing designs of suits in such a way that the viewers get impressed with the first look. Web pages are no different!
Interactive web design trends for better feel. The designers are trying to provide scope for making the designs interactive, say horizontal menu or the social media navigation buttons. These help the visitor to navigate fast. Even key navigation to provide keyboard shortcuts has been applied. And the use of letterpress for text or text links really gives feel in designs. More the user gets opportunity to interact, more chances increases for business!
It’s all about presenting products!
The designers are instructed to give boost to the presentation of the products. And they are showing web design trends that are simply awesome in having impact on viewers mind! Now we are going to have a glance on those web design trends.
Rich and strong typographic effects: Typically to show the offers or the ingredients of any product the text effects are must. And to produce that kind of text effect, designers have started to play with each letter, word or number. We find web pages designed with colorful effects and huge letter or word size, as we find in word art or the same!
Model or light box and slide show: When web pages are designed for any vendor of products, the main purpose of the website is to sell the products. Suppose a visitor want to have a close look at his or her selected product, he or she will come across the light box effect that only highlight the product in much better way. At the same time to view the group of products a slide show effect is just what a visitor will ask. These web design trends are nowadays hugely in demand.
Over sized logo/header and one page layout: A website is created to market and brand any company and its product internationally. So it is natural that the web pages have to highlight the name and the logo of any company in prominent way. So the designers start to use oversized logo or the header, designed in a way that the name of the company is well highlighted and leaves a great effect in the mind of the visitors. The companies liked these web design trends and those have got popular enough. And some companies want to develop sites for their unique products. In that particular case designers have created one of the unique web design trends – one page layout where in a single web page customers nicely view the products.
Intro box, text shadow and thumbnails: For better focus on information of products and to give products liveliness, the designers have started using intro box and text shadows. With the help of intro box a product is better highlighted to the users whereas shadows make every product lively. And the proper use of thumbnails shows many products at a time. The businessmen like this type of web design trends.
Minimalism and massive white space: Sometimes less effort earns maximum result. Designers used this theory in designing the web pages. They have started to grow two effective web design trends- minimum effects and maximum white space. These particular trends are effective as people sometimes get bored to see too many texts, images. Similarly blank spaces or maximum white spaces soothe the eyes. And in such spaces a product with little description is sure to catch attraction.
Please visit again!
There are thousands of service providers. They are eager to pursue the visitors to avail their services. So web designers have began to grow some web design trends that are going to help the service providers to gain a strong online presence. Now we may have a little journey about the web design trends developed with an eye to serve the purpose of the service providers.
Magazine layout: An important part of any service industry is all about getting information about any service. With this idea in mind designers have taken to grow one of the typical and really catchy web design trends – magazine layout. In this type of layouts, designers place information as we find in news dailies. Beautiful descriptions of services come to visitor’s sight as if they are reading news with headlines. This trend is gaining popularity fast.
Print design effects: The designers are ever to pull anything new and unique. After all, they are setters of new web design trends! They have introduced web pages with print effects. The effects are so embossed that visitors feel to see printed catalogues or brochures. The trend attracts the user to read and know about the services.
Media blocks: The designers have infused a new trend in web page designing – use of media blocks. With this block the services can easily be given maximized attention. A video or the like can have superb effect on the visitors mind.
PNG and textured background effect: A few services need to show some special effects. And for those cases the designers have introduced one of the web design trends of using PNG files or different types of textures to be set as backgrounds. This really has a deep impact on the visitors mind.
Organic layout: In this type of design the designers use different organic shapes to draw attention of the users. Most of the times it is found that this trend is for excuses against faulty services. We can see social networking sites using this type of web design trends, when for over load to their servers they cannot provide service. They apologize to the user in this type of interesting and funny way. There are other fantastic uses of this trend also.
Slab typefaces and font replacement: For few services some different attitude comes in demand. These two are very much unique web design trends from the rest. In these matters the web pages use slab typefaces (all capital letters) in texts or unusual fonts in body texts. Designers intentionally use fonts that are not used in common web page designing. These texts certainly give extra attention to the service headings and the like.
Retro, sketch and handwriting effects: The web design trends that nowadays coming into great effects are retro or the designs with vintage art look; sketching effects; and the handwriting effects. In retro style the whole design looks as if painting of vintage artifacts. This type of designs are used for heritage related industries or services.
The sketch design is also used for art related service industries. These types of designs impose the natural and familiar touch to the eyes of the visitors and communicate the purpose plainly. Similar effect comes from designs with handwriting effects. Websites related with education or such types of industries use these web design trends to grab emotional attraction of the visitors.
Excuse me please!
There are some industries that cannot be categories as typical product or service based. So what web design trends those going to adapt to become popular? I am talking about the entertainment and similar industries. As in the entertainment industry you get both services and products. So the businessmen could not decide what web design trends they can use for their businesses. But the designers came with some web design trends that serve typically their business and may also be used for other industries. Let’s talk about two most common web design trends used in these types of industries.
3D elements, 3D text effects: The most exciting web design trends are use of 3D elements and 3D text effects. I particularly choose to say few words about this trend separately for their use in entertainment industry. There cannot be anything more engaging than 3D effects. There are hundreds of websites, say gaming sites that use this effect for visitors. There has to be something different to entertain people. All 3D effects come for help to this industry! As I told before this effect is so much catchy that the designer have to use them for other service and product oriented business too
Introduction box and multicolumn: These two web design trends were designed to serve some particular industries say entertainment again, but have become web design trends for all. The introduction boxes better introduce any product or service, for example an tutorial or the like. Same way multicolumn designs came to show information in an organized way. It is found that multicolumn design is used for home page design. We all know that home page is a page to introduce a business precisely and almost as a whole. So both the web design trends -multicolumn and introduction box play vital role in designing that page.
Let’s have a ball...
It is really great to see and feel how new web design trends are coming and staring themselves in the web industry. My point of discussion was the influence of businesses on web designing. Yes, now you can see how businesses do have influence on designing in a positive way. The new web design trends could not have come in at regular intervals, had there been no influence of business people on the web designers! Necessity is the mother of all inventions.
Let there be light – spot light!
What about the spot light? Yes, the spot light ever falls on the popular and the celebrated. Here we are talking about the web design trends! What is today’s trend is for certain to get replaced by the one of tomorrow! So today may be the spot light is on Magazine layout, who knows tomorrow it could be on something related to … …! But what is for sure is the lever or control of shifting the spot light will always be in the hands of business houses. They ask the designers for new web design effects. And it is the business use of those effects that makes every designing effect a trend! Three cheers for all web design trends!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Pixelitor 1.1.2
Quando se fala em editor de imagem, o primeiro nome que vem à mente do usuário é o popular Photoshop. Apesar de possuir infinitos recursos para alterar qualquer elemento, o fato de ser um programa pago impossibilita que muita gente tenha acesso a seus benefícios.
Porém, e se existisse um aplicativo tão eficiente quanto ele e totalmente de graça? É exatamente essa a proposta de Pixelitor, um programa gratuito que oferece as mesmas possibilidades de edição e composição de imagem que os grandes softwares do ramo.
Guitar Pro 6.0.1 R7840
Quem não se lembra das antigas revistinhas de acordes que as pessoas usavam antigamente para aprender suas músicas preferidas? Os que conseguem também devem recordar o trabalho que dava para adivinhar como tocar as infindáveis sequências de letras e símbolos impressas no papel: C, D, G#, etc.
Esse problema há muito tempo não existe mais, principalmente por causa da evolução tecnológica e de programas como o GuitarPro. Eles permitem que o usuário escreva suas músicas nota a nota e as veja sendo executadas no monitor, corrigindo qualquer erro instantaneamente. Ou ainda ver várias faixas, cada uma com um instrumento, sendo tocadas ao mesmo tempo.
Hoje em dia, não é nada difícil achar bandas cover em que todos os membros aprenderam a tocar as músicas graças ao GuitarPro. Ele é uma ferramenta extremamente popular. De tempo em tempo o software surpreende com algumas novidades, que normalmente tornam o uso do programa ainda mais fácil. Vamos a elas.
Alien Shooter 2: Conscription DEMO
Alien Shooter 2: Conscription é um daqueles games em que não é preciso raciocinar muito sobre obstáculos e enigmas. Por outro lado, a habilidade necessária na hora de detonar centenas de alienígenas grotescos é o maior requerimento para se dar bem nele.
O game é indicado para quem curte um bom passatempo e tem um computador atual, sem grande necessidade de processamento. Ele contém cenas bastante violentas, portanto se você não tem estômago para isso, confira as imagens antes de baixá-lo. O jogo está em sua versão para testes e permite uma hora de uso ilimitado.
UK Truck Simulator
Ser caminhoneiro não é nada fácil, mas ganhar a vida viajando e conhecendo lugares novos é o sonho de muita gente. Acordar e dormir sempre em lugares diferentes e muita pressa para vencer o cansaço e as mais adversas condições climáticas.
Prepare-se para dirigir do lado esquerdo da pista, pois em UK Truck Simulator você vai conhecer as estradas da Inglaterra a bordo de um imenso veículo de carga. Ótimo game de simulador de caminhão com gráficos ainda melhores que a série 18 Wheels of Steel.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Skin Dual Kriss di CZ
Kriss S.V.D |
Dual Kriss |
Sobat bosan dengan ump45 yang ada di CZ?
apakah sobat berminat ingin merubah senjata itu dengan Kriss S.V.D atau yang Dualnya?
Saya punya linknya klo mau: =Kriss S.V.D klik ---->Download
=Dual Kriss klik------>Download
tpi klo mau lebih lengkap lagi skin senjatanya nih aku kasi linknya Game Banana
Semoga postingan bermanfaat bagi Semua :DD
Cara memasukkan senjata - senjata di atas
- Pertama, Klik Folder Dengan Cara Klik kanan pada Icon 'CZ / CS' lalu 'Properties'
- Ketika kotak dialog terbuka, pilih 'Find Target' lalu terbukalah folder CZ di C:/
- Pilih Folder 'Cstrike' lalu pilih folder 'Models' dan masukkan File berformat .mdl kedalam folder tersebut.
- Untuk yang berformat .wav/.mp3 masukkan ke folder 'Sounds' (Jika ada tulisan 'the folder contains a file named "...." ' bisa langsung di klik yes...)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Optimasi Terus Berlanjut Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia
Optimasi Terus Berlanjut Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia - Optimasi yang tersendat-sendat membuat blog saya tidak kunjung memperbaiki posisi. Meskipun hanya blog kacangan, saya pengen berjuang untuk memenangkan kontes ini. "Semua itu mungkin, tergantung mindset, keyakinan dan usaha" kata guru saya. Ayo kita buktikan.
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